Thursday, 8 October 2015

Toyota Caetano an errata and 1H2015

Toyota Caetano: an errata
As I previously stated I am and will be wrong so you should always do your own research. My mistakes have been mostly when analyzing the renting unit before. In fact, I was under the impression that their fleet was renewed less often than it actually is. In fact, in August last year the following statement in 1H2014

“In June 210 units were acquired for RACs segment, the impact of which in Turnover will only have effects in the next half of the year. We have good perspectives for the second half of the year, as the sale of about 560 RAC's vehicles is expected.”

lead me to the belief that they were preparing a global divestment in the rent-a-car business of 350 units.  Since they ended the year with only 592 units that seemed to be pretty accurate. However, they did a similar statement in 1H2015

For the RAC segment, 250 units were acquired in June, whose impact on turnover will only be reflected in the following semester. We have good prospects for the 2nd half, as the sale of about 465 RAC vehicles is expected”

but the number of RAC units rose to 1137 (a 545 growth since year end ). So they actually renew their fleet much more often, which means a bigger chunk of the unit profit comes from vehicle sales at a profit after depreciation instead of coming from the renting itself.
In addition, since I assume those units to be mostly Toyota (and I still need to confirm that), an important role of the rental unit might be to help the company achieve new vehicles sales volume for Toyota. That could mean the rental unit might bring profit to other units while roughly breaking-even by itself.

And this leads me to another point, which I was writing some time ago:
a.       which is the return on equity of the renting units?
                                                              i.      Auto renting equity at year end 2013/2012: 1.740k/1.523k generated a net income of 263k/368k at year end 2014/2013, which would mean a ROE of 15,1%/24.2%. However net income in 2012 was marginally positive and it was  negative in 2011/2010.
                                                            ii.      Industrial equipment renting unit equity at year end 2013/2012: 21.725k/24.532k generated a net income of 1142k/860k at year end 2014/2013, which would mean a ROE of 5,2%/3.5%
                                                          iii.      The ROE of the industrial equipment renting unit is quite low. I did not have that idea which means I might have posted somewhere on previous posts a different number due to some miscalculation (fortunately you all read my disclaimers where I state that I am and will be wrong).
                                                          iv.      Recent ROE in the auto renting unit is high but that might be due to a fleet reduction at above book prices. Past ROE was negative. If we look at the full cycle returns might be even worse than the industrial equipment renting unit ROE.
So on the one side this units seems to help increase Toyota/BT volumes and as such contribute to firm profits but on the other side individually their ROE is quite low. So low in fact that if there is no indirect profit it might not make much sense to have that money invested.

Toyota Caetano: 1H2015
A few key quotes from the first half report:
The main landmark in the first semester was the end of production of the Dyna model,and the preparations for starting the production of the Land Cruiser series 70 (LC70).”
“The forecast is that by the end of the year 1,250 units of this model will be
manufactured exclusively for exporting.”
This forecast is important since this was released at the end of August so they should get it approximately right. One year ago the forecast was:
“as an estimate of the activity to be developed for the 2nd half of
the current financial year, over 900 Toyota physical units and about 1,000 conversions are expected to be assembled”
And the real number was:  903 and 2019, respectively. So they seem to get it right when it comes to Physical units. Conversions are dependent on auto sales it is harder to predict. So 1250 it is.

“In the PPO/PDI activity (Transformed /Prepared Physical Units), there was a 78% increase over the same period last year.”
This partially countered the fact that they only assembled vehicles in two months of the semester. The results were, unsurprisingly poor: a 2322K€ net income loss.

The company earned 1059k€. However they previously mentioned they expected to break even in the industrial unit in 2H2015. So what would the result have been at break even? 3381k€ (0,097€/share).What if second half is equal to last year’s (quite conservative estimate) but with a break even in the industrial unit? They lost 1017k€ on the industrial unit and had a net profit of 2154k, which would mean a net profit of 3171k€ (0.091€/sh). That would make  0,188€/year if things were to stay flat after that. I still think these assumptions are conservative for normal earnings but since all earnings are paid out that would be a nice dividend yield at current prices (1,07€).

Other quotes:
“For the second half of the year, the outlook is quite favorable, namely with the
expected good performance of hybrid vehicles and of the aforementioned models -Aygo, Yaris, Hilux and Dyna -, as well as with the expected increased sales of Auris and Avensis, which were the object of strong product renewals.”

“This was mainly due to the materialization of a large fleet business in the Warehouse Equipment segment that significantly influenced both the market as well as BT sales.” (a BT Business of 349 units.)

And at Caetano Auto:

“As for depreciations, and keeping the criteria of applying the maximum rates allowed for tax purposes, this item still represents more than 1 million euros per semester, significantly influencing pre-tax profit.” – for some reason I like this statement.

Disclaimer: read my previous disclaimers in Toyota Caetano. I am and will be wrong, do your own research, I own shares

Saturday, 2 May 2015

Toyota Caetano 2014 part 1- highlights

This is the first post of a series about Toyota Caetano. This first one just highlights what I found most relevant on the annual report with only a few comments. On the following ones I will try to dig a little deeper (in fact I am dividing this because it would be too much information on a single post). It should be something like this but it is still under construction (comments and suggestions will be taken into account):
Toyota Caetano 2014 part 1- highlights
Toyota Caetano 2014 part 2- inventory, working capital, debt, dividends, another valuation method and perspectives
Toyota Caetano 2014 part 3- segmental and quarterly results
Toyota Caetano 2014 part 4- new model for Ovar, perpectives and revisiting my first post on Toyota Caetano to see if things are going as expected at the time

“We should highlight that the year is also marked by the end of Dyna for the export market (September).”
“The Transformation and PDI (Pre-Delivery Inspection) activity prepared 3,271 vehicles, which corresponds to a 40% increase”  ---- in line with auto sales increase
Total employees reduced once again from 181 to 170

Agreement with TMC to assemble LC70 units intended for export:

“In the second semester of 2015 we will witness the beginning of the LC70 production process, and we are already estimating a volume of assembly for that activity that will be able to absorb all the manufacturing costs and, subsequently, reach the economic balance in this Unit.” – in Portuguese they mention economic balance for that period (2nd semester).

Auto commerce unit:
“In 2014, we should highlight the performance of the Toyota and Lexus hybrid models, which showed a 149% increase when compared to 2013, corresponding to a 56.1% (+14.8 p.p.) share in the hybrid vehicle market. In 2014, hybrid vehicles were already 16.6% of the sales of Toyota and Lexus light passenger vehicles.” – this is important because in 2015 there are incentives for plug-in hybrid vehicles, especially relevant for enterprise clients (where I would classify the incentives as huge (reduction in vehicle taxes, all 23% of consumption taxes can be deducted, totaling together over 7300 €/vehicle benefit and additionally a bigger percentage of depreciation can be used for taxes), which could further increase sales.
Toyota's commercial models: “We should highlight the performance of the Hilux and Dyna models, which increased their market share once again and ended the year as sales leaders in the corresponding segments. In the case of the Dyna model, manufactured locally at the Ovar assembly unit, it retained its leadership for the 8th consecutive year in the Chassis-Cab segment” – as long as the Dyna model production for domestic consumption stays in Ovar this leadership is important.

Industrial machines:
Increase in sales of 36.9% with a market share increase from 23.4% to 28.6% (the second in the ranking had 17.4% market share): added profits but also future service revenue increased.

“The company ended the fiscal year of 2014 with a fleet of 836 units, distributed as follows:
Light Commercial / Passenger Vehicles: 592 units (70.81%)
Cleaning/Sweeping Machines: 244 units (29.19%)
Throughout the year, the fleet had an average number of 1013 units, approximately 5.9% less than during the same period of the previous fiscal year.”
So they are still reducing their fleet.

“Following a strategy for increased inroads in the automotive market, and taking into account the sector's growth period, the increased turnover was achieved through some sacrifice in the profit margin via more aggressive promotional campaigns” – at first sight I do not like this. The only reasons I see as positive in increasing sales are:
-       achieving paid objectives and/or
-       increasing future earnings in the service sector (this is important and may justify the margin sacrifice since they say “Toyota's Official Assistance network is the main client of the After-Sales Division. This client represented 91% of 2014's overall turnover, which corresponds to around 30 million euros.”)

“In order to efficiently respond to market needs, the Group boosted its investment in inventories, since, as a distributor of the Toyota brand name, its policy includes concentrating inventories at the parent company. The latter, via customer-oriented logistics (COL), provides real-time availability of the list of vehicles for sale, to every dealership, hereby releasing them from the added strain of putting together their own inventory.” – we could see and guess that, but it is better to see it written

“For 2015, the Group expects to maintain the growth rate of its operations, confirmed both by the ACAP estimates, which forecasts an increase of around 11% in vehicle sales, and by the improvement in family and business confidence index, which will inevitably lead to better results.” – From what I see around me I would expect the same, and thus far it has been going as expected (Toyota+Lexus 1T auto sales increased to 2319 units from 1577 last year – a 47% increase).

Relevant facts after the end of the Fiscal Year
Since the end of 2014 to the present date, and in terms of relevant facts, we should state that it is the belief of the Board of Directors of Toyota Caetano Portugal that the incident that occurred on March 3rd, 2015, caused by a fire, which completely destroyed one of our properties located in the so-called Carregado Industrial Complex, will not have any significant economic or financial impacts on this Company, due to the appropriate coverage of the existing insurance policies for this type of assets and incidents.” – what do we know about this?
Industrial Facilities Carregado: carrying value (2014) 6.002.898€; appraisal value 23.828.000€
From what I know, usually insurance companies rebuild everything instead of paying (to avoid owners setting fire to their properties when they cannot sell them, which used to happen over here). That is probably what we should expect. It was the most valuable property in the investment properties portfolio so it is important to hear the management expectation of an absence of losses.

Investment properties:
Income of 2.765.899 Euros vs 3.246.319 Euros in 2013. Asset value on the books 17.3M. Asset value appraisals (see previous point): 53.9M. Not much new to add since prior year.

Cimovel: 3.052.897 Euros (2013: 3.274.639 Euros). So it lost 6.8% in value this year. This is more important in the pension unit. Assets most likely stayed similar but appraisals lowered so it might be of lesser relevance, but his also means that on the pension assets we should subtract to calculate the gains on the remaining portfolio. So…

Return on plan assets was 1.309.229 €. They “lost” 573k in their Cimovel stake. So the return of the remaining portfolio was actually better.

Additionally they did the same cleansing that as happened through the corporate world last year. After estimated taxes they subtracted 3.9M from the firm equity due to actuarial tables and discount rate actualization (if I understood it right). Well, the liability is the same as it was last year but now the data is more conservative.

Disclaimer: read previous disclaimers on Toyota Caetano. I have added a little bit more at prices much lower than current price. This is not and investment advice (it never is). I am and will be wrong so do your own research.

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Toyota Caetano 2014Q4 summed up

Fourth quarter 2014 relevant info summed up:
Vehicles produced: 213+178+158=549 (278 in 2013Q4, 248 in Q1, 513 in Q2 and 354 units in Q3)
Vehicles sold: 793+825+1227=2848 (2086 units in Q3)
Industrial machines forklift market: 89+133+221=443  (324 units Q1, 377 units Q2 and 302 units Q3)

Production:  there was a 36 units (7%) increase in production compared to Q2. As such, I would expect slightly better results
Commerce: 2848 vehicles (2086 in Q3, a 36,5% increase). I would expect gross margins to stay low, but the higher volume with fixed remaining costs should lead to an asymmetric increase in profitability. In addition, the market share objective by Toyota was finally achieved in December (the unit sales increase was already almost certain before). I cannot be sure if it is the case here but sometimes auto companies give incentives if objectives are achieved, which would lead to a bigger profit increase.
The industrial machines commerce unit relevance for short term profits is little, but it is important in the long term, as mentioned in previous posts.

Segmental results: I was modeling my predictions  using the same model I used in previous quarters. This obviously is not the most accurate way to do it, but since quarterly profits are not that important (and predicting them is not important at all) I was using it. However, I believe that could be leading me to some mistakes in my analysis to business performance. Looking at operational profit seems to be a better way to do it, and the difference between operational profit and net profit in some cases explains some of the doubts I had previously. I will not present an estimate this time since I believe I would be even less accurate than on previous quarters and there is no need to make a fool of myself, I will have plenty of opportunities in the future. 

Disclaimer: my selling offer at 1.07 was not fulfilled. Unfortunaly since my opportunity window disappeared with a more than 40% gain on the target stock while Toyota Caetano price has fallen. Not that I believe that this fall in price is of any importance but the 40% gain I did not achieve together with the opportunity lost to switch back to Toyota Caetano is relevant. In fact, since the price had fallen so much I ended up adding some Toyota Caetano shares at 0.84€. I should remember you that you should read all previous disclaimers on Toyota Caetano and the introduction post.

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Oi PT merger arbitrage is it safe?

The Oi-PT merger day by day looks like a more fascinating story. Since my last post the following has happened:
1- The merger terms have been revised with a smaller position in Oi being attributed to PT shareholders and a PT SGPS carrying that smaller Oi position plus the Rio Forte debt plus options on Oi (which are the only destination possible for any recovered cash)
2- Oi has decided to give up on the idea of a big international telecom and sell the portuguese assets to Altice, signing a deal
3- Much more is now known about why and when was the Rio Forte investment decided and who knew about it
4- The portuguese CMVM decided to intervene by stopping PT trading until the PT SGPS administration decided to give information to the market about the possible cancelation of the deal
5- According to today's news, former PT chairman Henrique Granadeiro  has sent a letter to CMVM suggesting that the deal can be canceled (or changed) since the Oi Vice president was also PT SGPS CFO and since  at the time Oi CEO was also CEO of PT Portugal. He also mentions that since they are not divisible then Oi had to know about the Rio Forte application. 

So, yes the spread as widened but also the arbitrage as turned riskier. And as such maybe the stay out idea I mentioned in the previous post is more than ever a good idea.

So the arbitrage might be a mine if the deal goes through on current terms. Let alone the arbitrage, if the deal goes through maybe only going long Oi would be a good idea since the possibility of both the merger not working and the PT Portugal sale to Altice (for more than 7000M euros) not going through might already be partially discounted on Oi share price.

The problem is will the deal and the merger go through on current terms? The argument for the cancelation is: some minutes ago PT has just disclosed so I will stop explaning and just leave the link

disclosure: no position and I am still reading the file above so I can not really know what I will decide at the end but most likely it will continue that way